AEDP Psychotherapy 101: An Introduction to the Fundamentals of AEDP™

PRESENTER(S): Jerry Lamagna, LCSW 

Course Information

Through lecture and micro-analysis of clinical videotapes, AEDP Sr. Faculty member Jerry Lamagna, LCSW, will examine the core principles that underlie AEDP metapsychology.  The course will include an exploration of concepts and skillful means that catalyze our clients’ innate capacity to heal, help regulate aloneness and other aversive emotional states, create a secure therapeutic space conducive to deep transformational work and reinforce the shifts that come with affective breakthroughs by processing the experience of change itself.      Course Highlights: Gain a solid foundation in AEDP psychotherapy’s unique principles and techniques Learn to harness the neuroplasticity of the brain for accelerated change Consider specific ways the therapeutic relationship can foster safety and trust, regulate intense affect and provide corrective emotional experiences Develop an understanding of AEDP interventions that help clients access, regulate, resolve and integrate problematic experiences linked to the past Cultivate ways of helping clients savor positive emotions and deepen and reinforce experiences of change-for-the-better Discuss techniques that facilitate the integration of transformational experience into clients sense of self, other, past, present and future This workshop is designed to inspire you and to enhance the effectiveness your clinical practice by introducing you to the AEDP model’s innovative ways of facilitating change. Come join us and become a catalyst for positive change.


Jerry Lamagna, LCSW is a senior faculty member with the AEDP Institute and a psychotherapist in private practice in Manhattan and Westfield, New Jersey. His early career focused specifically on treating adult children raised in alcoholic families, where exposure to clinical challenges associated with complex trauma inspired him to pursue training in approaches like psychodrama, EMDR, ego state therapy, trauma/dissociative disorder treatment, IFS and of course, AEDP.

In 2004, Jerry, along with Dr. Kari Gleiser developed a modified version of AEDP for the treatment of dissociative disorders. Since then, Jerry has authored three articles on AEDP and its application in treating complex trauma and in 2015 released a three DVD training video of his teaching and live clinical work. In addition to writing, supervising and providing psychotherapy, Jerry teaches AEDP in North America and Europe.