
Jenn Edlin, MFT

Jennifer Edlin, MFT Jennifer Edlin, MFT is a psychotherapist in private practice in Oakland, California, and is a Senior faculty member of AEDP™ Institute. Jenn received her undergraduate degree from Princeton University, a JD/MBA degree from New York University and an MA in Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies. From the moment she attended her first AEDP Immersion Course, Jenn was taken by AEDP and the permission to be authentic and to use the therapist’s whole self in service of clients’ healing and transformation. Jenn is developing AEDP theory and clinical interventions to use with dysregulated and underregulated clients, and has presented her work in 2019 in Boston, Portland and the Denver Immersion course. In the years since she joined the AEDP Institute Faculty Jenn has been a Co-Director of the AEDP research project, working closely with Diana Fosha and Shigeru Iwakabe. Jenn is gifted with left brain rigor and right brain intuition. We who know her are struck with the breadth and depth of her intellect, the bigness of her heart, her attunement and sensitivity, her remarkable capabilities in a multitude of areas, her huge capacity to integrate it all and translate it into effective action AND her passion for, commitment and devotion to AEDP.

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